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05 Jun, 2024 44
Will's Graduation

Well, it’s definitely the season of graduations! While college graduations started last month, June is when high school graduations are in full swing. I should know, my oldest, Will, has just graduated highschool himself. Our area gets out a little earlier than most places, so his graduation was actually on May 25th. However, as this blog post is getting published, I’m in California attending my niece’s graduation. These young-uns are about to see what adulting is all about!


In light of the graduation season, I thought I would spend some time talking about graduation and offer some unique gift ideas. Of course I would love for you to get something from The Chill Shop, but there are also many other awesome things you can consider for that graduate in your life. And let’s be honest, I think parents are significantly overlooked during this time. These kiddos just DO.NOT.KNOW what we parents sacrificed to get them to this point. A funny quote from one of my cousins was “I just have to keep them alive until they are 18. Then I’ve done my job!” So true cuz, so true.

For The Graduate

Hands down, I think the most highly coveted gift you can give a graduate would be cold hard cash. But if you are like my mother, and you like to give a thoughtful gift that speaks to you knowing their likes (and want to give them something tangible to open), then you may find a suggestion on this list more appealing than cash.

  • Laptop or Tablet - Let’s face it…dorm rooms are small. So lugging a tower PC off to college may not be the best use of their limited space. And after high school (and possibly middle school), whatever computer they were using at home may need an upgrade. 
  • Gift Cards - These are a step up from plain cash, so you can either find something from their favorite store, or something like Amazon or Target could allow them to get a wide variety of items they may want or need. 
  • Dorm Essentials - While not all college bound kiddos will be at a school that requires (or even has) dorms, for those that will have the limited space they provide, dorm essentials could come in handy. Reach out to the graduate directly to see if they have received the list from their school of what these essentials may be.
  • Backpack or Messenger Bag - Pretty self explanatory, but they will need a method of transportation for that new laptop or tablet. 
  • E-Reader - Let’s face it, college isn’t what it used to be. Some schools will have their text books 100% digitally. With an e-reader, you can reduce eye strain that may come with reading these books on a computer screen.
  • Smartphone Accessories - Another great way to show you know the graduate, by giving them a simple way to express themselves with their cell phone. Because if I must be brutally honest, chances of them having a flip phone are slim to none.
  • Personalize Items - Whether you take a DIY class and make a special gift for the graduate or go to a store that can personalize items, it certainly brings a special touch to the gift when it’s personal to them.
  • Subscription Service - With all the crackdowns on streaming services, this may be a way for you to help that young adult in your life be able to keep up on the latest shows (because we all need mindless videos to break the monotony of studying all the time). So maybe a Netflix account or MAX account. If they will be in an apartment, maybe a meal delivery service (like Blue Apron) could be a good option.
  • Travel Gear - If the graduate is going to school out of state, then maybe a nice luggage set to help them get back home in style during breaks would be a good idea. Or even something more simple like a travel pillow or toiletry bag.
  • Cooking Appliances - If the graduate is in a dorm, you will need to know what’s allowed and what isn’t, but if things like a microwave are allowed it could make their life a bit more convenient. 
  • Experience Gifts - Maybe their favorite band is coming to their new home away from home. Getting a ticket to the show could give them some serious feel good vibes. 


Gifts for the graduate

Of course this isn’t an exhaustive list. At the very least, maybe it gets your juices flowing on being creative in what you get them. It can also alleviate some of the stress on the parents to make sure their new graduate has all they need for the next chapter in their lives. I also want to point out that many of these items are just as essential for those graduates that are jumping right into the workforce and college just isn't in the cards for them. 

For The Parents

Let’s face it…the saying “it takes a village” didn’t come out of thin air. It came from the energy it takes to raise humans to adulthood. So why don’t we celebrate the parents too? The sacrifices we made for the past 18 years are incredible when you look back on them. Starting with all the diaper changes to busted knees, through learning to ride a bike (and who bought that bike?), into the confusing and hazy days of puberty and figuring out how the world works. It was the parents that’s were right by their kids keeping the guardrails up. 

Now I don’t intend my words to disregard any experiences someone may have had where parental figures did not provide that type of guidance. I have worked alongside a local non-profit that supports young adults as they transition out of the foster care system into adulthood. My own father passed away when I was 13, so I know firsthand how hard it was for my mother to raise me and my two younger siblings all on her own. Again…it takes a village. So if you (or someone you know) has a unique situation in which you/their birth parents were not in the picture…when I talk about “parents” this could be any adult in your/their life that helped you along the way.

So I don’t think it’s absurd to also give tokens of appreciation to the parents during graduation time. Here are a few ideas of what this could look like:

  • Personalized Keepsake - This could be a small 4x6 frame of the family taken at graduation. 
  • Relaxation Gift - Parents worked HARD to get their kiddo through high school. Maybe a spa day at a local spa is in order. Or a gift basket with home spa essentials (like candles and bath bombs).
  • Weekend Getaway - If you can swing it, get them a weekend away gift! It could even be a staycation location.
  • Cooking Class - Maybe there is a local class showing how to make delicious meals for two. It may have been a while since they only cooked for two. They will need to rewire their brains on what to snag at the store!
  • Home Improvement Gift - Finances may be tight for the parents as they pay for college for their new graduate. A little help with a Home Depot Gift card or or piece of new furniture may help them with any home sprucing they want to do.

Gifts for the parents

While there are many other suggestions out there on what you could get the parents, these are just a few ideas to get those gears turning. And let’s face it, even a simple card of recognition can go a long way to making these parents feel validated. 

You can always check out our online store to see if there is a little special something you can pick up for the graduate or parent in your life. 

If you have graduates in your life right now, I hope this list has helped you figure out what you may do for them (and their parents). Education is the key to betterment for all. So my hat is off to all you graduates out there as you certainly are our future. May you feel empowered to move forward into adulting and do it better than we did before you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 

Until next time….
